• About us


    Welcome to UAMschool4cities project's online learning platform dedicated to empowering Local Authority employees and young professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in Urban Air Mobility (UAM). In an era where Drones and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are transitioning from industrial to commercial applications, impacting transport operations significantly, our MOOC is designed to address a crucial knowledge gap.

    Our program is tailored to meet the evolving needs of public administration, particularly in integrating UAM into urban transport plans. With the recent approval of the U-Space regulation by the European Commission, allowing drone services in urban areas, it's imperative for Local Authority teams to be equipped with the right tools and knowledge. Our course offerings focus on:

    1. Understanding UAM Concepts: Delve into the fundamentals of UAM, exploring its key technologies and their role in transforming urban transport.

    2. Navigating Regulatory Frameworks: Stay informed about the latest UAM regulations and learn to identify challenges and opportunities these present for Local Authorities.

    3. Incorporating UAM into Urban Planning: Learn how to effectively integrate UAM into urban development agendas, ensuring efficient and sustainable growth.

    4. Developing Responsible UAM Services: Equip yourself with the skills to create socially acceptable and beneficial UAM services for citizens.

    UAMschool4cities is more than just a training program; it's a pathway to personal and socio-educational development, fostering employability in the public administration sector. Whether you're a Local Authority employee or a young professional aspiring to enter this field, our MOOC is your gateway to becoming a part of the exciting world of Urban Air Mobility.